Sunday, November 22, 2009

Stuck between a bullet and a target....

You know what...I love this country...I mean really. (no sarcasm) America is the greatest country in the world but I'm friggidiggin pissd at the way the system seems to be setup to continually hold people down. When did it become ok to opress and hold people down ? When was it ok to lie to a man and tell him you were gonna help him shape his future, and you in reality are using him to fuel your greed and anger in an unorganized expedition ? I dont get it , but thats ok, but to kinda set the mood I'm gonna do something different and include music early on in this edition so you all can feel where I'm comin from.

Music: Today's blog's music is a song called Bullet by Rhymefest

So now that you've listened to the song you can see kinda how i feel. What have we done as a country ?Where have our morals and our standards fallen to ? Now before I get some idiotic self-apraised american loving fool that tries to say I dont love this country and am disrespectful , please realize this. I am the son of a family that has served night and day , through cold and heat, through birthdays through ceremonies ,through my whole childhood for the wellbeing of this country. So before you judge me for blasting the ridiculous issues of our country, just realize that I love this country.

OK OK... so what the fuck is up with the system that oppresses and holds down our lower class citizens. They tell you as you grow up that lower class never means second class but its evident that society is setup to force the heads of those near the bottom under water. Its about time we stand up and demand a change be made, a difference, a look be taken at how wild and ridiculous welfare is.

Now if we look at why welfare was formed, we'd pretty much all say it was set up to help, and that those that are stuck in the system are there because they are all lazy, smelly ,worthless bits of society. Well at least thats the view alot of church folk have. What we dont get is the fact that a mother who is able to feed her children while under welfare is forced to stay on welfare just to keep her lil ones from starving. When you try and step up outa the trap, your food money and housing options are cut. If you even attempt to attend school or step through the lowest class in this country , your healthcare is taken from you. Now this seems ironic for the country that swears it loves everyone and is a place for all to succeed. I dont see how you can succeed when you're forced between a bullet and a hard place. I mean How do we ask a mother to choose between getting help so her kids are ok ,and living in govt housing , and stepping out and getting a job that will leave her in a worse financial position then she was while she sat at home? I apologize to those of you that I've scorned or laughed at. I was blessed to be in a military home, which was by NO means a cakewalk ,but always afforded me healthcare. (Good thing cause my tale was always flippin off buildings and doing tricks and all.) But do you see what I'm saying?

How is it that the same system thats supposed to help is allowed to stay in place while it gradually strangles a whole section of society out of our nice neighborhoods, away from our good schools, away from our view ?

Do I know how to fix the system ? HELL no!!! But I can tell you that something needs to be done. I was soo angry when I got a call from a female friend today. She happens to be a single mom who isnt yet receiving child support and she was telling me about her struggles to make it in this world. She lives with her mom , but has been through hard times. Like any responsible adult she reached out to the different help systems in place and was repeatedly beat down and hurt. They told her she had to quit school..which she wasnt paying for basically ( grants cause she doesnt hardly make any money ) and she couldnt receive food stamps for her son to eat with because of her mom's income. She then asked what she could do , and was told that she had to ..YUP YOU ARE HEARING ME CORRECTLY, SHE WAS TOLD SHE HAD TO QUIT HER JOB , QUIT SCHOOL ,AND MOVE OUT OF THE HOUSE BEFORE SHE COULD RECEIVE HELP. How do we penalize a young woman who is doing her best to make it , and to become a productive part of our world. The system tries to force everyone into the trap. Upper society feeds off the needy. I mean, who would do the work if we didnt have immigrants and mis-fortuned people at the bottom?

Here is another example of a vicious cycle that is dam hard to break. You take a child of an adult who was in a bad position, and has to be gone just to keep socks on their child. This child then is forced to fend for themselves and is already implanted in an environment that is not conducive to learning, but on top of that the heroes surrounding him are all dealers /bangers/pimps. The child can't see outside scope of their environment yet, and the parents which is usually (parent) is forced to work 2 or 3 jobs in an attempt to get out of the gunfights and prostitution and drugs. This child is then labelled as trouble maker in school and thrown into the slow group when all they needed was some love and some help. All most children need is someone to believe in them. And here they are, with young minds and hurt hearts in a situation where they are already labelled see, the whole cycle is fkd up. At some point everyone DOES have to account for their actions. I do see tho why people end up in gangs , on drugs, etc. Its a hide away for a hurting soul. You see just in general this country is fkd up in alot of ways. I still definitely would rather live here then in say , Somalia , or Mexico , but in general we have alot of problems.

I'd really like to see money taken away from searching for new species of tuna in the arctic and put towards education , and towards programs that are there to help to move people through the barrier of the system into normal life. It inst our responsibility to raise everyone, but it is our responsibility to reach out and help each other out when we are hurting, when we are down. Who will be the one to reach out and say hey , I don't give a dam where you came from or who you murdered, or what you've snorted, or who you've had sex with, but I am here for you brother or sister. When are we as a people going to grab hold of each other and pull ourselves up through this garbage. when are we gonna stop belittling articulate people, and laughing at our professionals. When are we going to learn to act with dignity and integrity , and learn to speak correctly. When are we going to hold our congressman and cabinet men responsible for their actions. I honestly don't know the answer...some say things will never change, but I for one believe that if enough become outraged, that we can change things.

Lets hold each other accountable , lets vote , let us become the country that we claim ourselves to be.

I dream of the day a poor man has an option other then the military to provide for his family. ( I appreciate our soldiers ) Its sad though that some are forced into this way of life, with no choice.

Ok. I'm done for now with that.

Ladies: Now funny enough, I have more women for you all, like I always tell you that I do. I have four new ones for you all this week. Let me know what you think and enjoy

Food: Now you know I always got something delicious for you all to try. This week is no different. With all of you turkey heads in mind , I decided to include a recipe for macaroni and cheese that is to die for

Chucks Mac and cheese


  • 1 (8 ounce) package elbow macaroni
  • 1 (8 ounce) package shredded sharp Cheddar cheese
  • 1 (12 ounce) container small curd cottage cheese
  • 1 (8 ounce) container sour cream
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 cup dry bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil, add pasta, and cook until done; drain.
  2. In 9x13 inch baking dish, stir together macaroni, shredded Cheddar cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper. In a small bowl, mix together bread crumbs and melted butter. Sprinkle topping over macaroni mixture.
  3. Bake 30 to 35 minutes, or until top is golden.

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